The short answer is, No.
As Chartered Accountants we have obligations as to the information and advice we can provide you. We operate
under a code of ethics which means in all advice we provide we must maintain objectivity. This means that we cannot give advice that
might influence your decision to make a choice that aligns to our personal views.
Whilst we will actively promote this industry, first and foremost, the advice we provide will always be within
the scope of our profession.
Any questions around choices to make regarding crypto asset options in itself is outside of the scope of the
services we provide.
Therefore, our services are best suited for clients who:
1. Are already ‘in the game’ and want guidance on the tax consequences or accounting treatment of their
portfolio; or
2. Clients who have done the work themselves in understanding the industry, they know what they are willing to
commit, what they want to purchase and want to ensure they have the correct tax effective structures in place.